Monday, April 11, 2011


We have been discussing contentment frequently in our home.  Amongst my children, the discussion revolves around being content with what is served during mealtime, contentment and gratitude for the toys and books that we already have, and contentment with the activities that we are able to do as a family. 

As a reminder to myself, I have been working on having a spirit of contentment with what God has given us, and the ministry we have been placed into.  This afternoon as I was scrolling through the blogs I follow, I came upon A Holy Experience.  Ann Voskamp published a post today entitled

How to {help} Raise Grateful Kids

I love the wonderful ideas she posts about how to instill gratefulness in our children.  She included several ideas I plan to begin implementing into our daily routine.  I especially appreciate the idea of having the children each write out what they are thankful for each day on a post it note and placing it on the window (although I might use the wall instead).

I would love to hear your ideas about teaching gratefulness to children (and to yourself).

Today I am grateful for:
1. The sunshine so I can get out and weed my flowerbeds.
2. The beautiful blossoms on the fruit trees giving hope for delicious fruit later this year.
3. My adoring husband who gives his adoration freely when I am so undeserving.
4. The amazing technology that can bring people together (when used properly).
5. The daily encouragement and joy I find in the presence of my Lord each day.
6. Five beautiful and healthy children
7. The blessing of spiritual mentors both nearby and far away.
8. Godly parents who support our family in our journey of parenthood and ministry.
9. The daffodills that grace my kitchen table (with thanks to my neighbor for allowing my daughter to pick them).
10. For nap time which gives me a few minutes to sit down and refresh before heading to the next task on the list.
11. For the ability to work and care for my amazing family.

I could go on, but I will continue this list another day.  Now, please share below what you are thankful for today.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to meet you! I always try to comment "to the right and to the left" of where ever I end up on Monday's list over at Ann's, and today you are one of those! Glad to see your list...daffodils, nap time, the blessing of spiritual mentors...where would we be without those!!!

    I have stickers on one window...and we have used Ann's gift of her gratitude booklet over the last week, but I know my little girl will love better the post it note window (to be a friend to her sticker window!)

